Friday, October 15, 2010


      Edward lowered the paper that had his eyes concealed he looked over and sighed to Sandra, "Do you REALLY need to sit so close to me?".
     Sandra muttered, "What honestly does not bother you this world? I can't even sit beside you without getting glared at or a uncalled for comment!"
     "No Sandra, That's not it, the fact that you just irritate me to no end is the problem i can't even concentrate on my paper for God's sake!" pleaded Edward.
     "No Edward, This is not going to work you give me a valid excuse on to why i bother you to no end, you never seem to give me ideas on to why i bother you so much you just give me a glare and you make your self feel like your Superior. But the truth is Edward i actually wear the pants in this relationship! Who does all the cooking all the cleaning and all the other small jobs around the house? And all you can do is sit there everyday and read your paper.
     "Oh really Sandra? Is that your honest opinion? You think i do nothing?, well WHO does the garabadge every single night? WHO takes the dog for walks when the person who bought the damn thing doesn't even pay attention to it! And lastly, I'm the only person who works in this house! you stay at home and what bake cookies?
     "Bake cookies? is that honestly all you think i do is bake you God damn cookies Edward? Do you want to trade spots for a week? Never mind a whole month! Sandra's voice was starting to escalate.
     Edwards voice was now beginning to raise, and he finally shouted "Fine Sandra! it's settled we will switch places for a whole month, you can go to my office and actually do work for a full 8 hours and then come home and you can tell me what you want to do!. You tell me if you want to go around the house and do labor!"
     Sandra almost giggled, "Ha, You just wait, You think working in an office was hard? Did i happen to mention i want breakfast, lunch and dinner made for me? And don't forget the dishes either and oh i like having a snack of some sort between lunch and dinner so make sure they'res something to eat inbetween meals.
     Edward rolled his eyes, "And then i guess i should remind you to walk the dog, Water the garden, Weed the garden, Paint the rest of the deck, Mow the lawn, Check the oil in our cars but remember you wont be getting home till 6 o'clock and it gets dark by 7:30.
     They both stood up and left the room simotainsly waiting in anguish to see what the next month had in store.


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