Sunday, October 24, 2010


In the movie Of Mice and Men by John Stienbeck each character was portrayed very well unlike most movies made from novellas, Of Mice and Men didn't stray to far from the actual novel and that is what impressed me most.
     Out of all the characters in the movie, Curley's wife i think played her part the best. I instantly picked up on certain lines from the movie compared to the novel. The imagine i had in my mind then seeing her on the screen was almost exact. Her acting towards Lennie and George was almost perfectly portrayed with words and physical actions. Even watching the movie 2 weeks after finishing the novel i still remember her the best because of the way none of her actions where over dramatic or under dramatic they were perfectly on tone for the whole movie.
    Anyone who where to watch the movie before reading the book i think would agree with me that she is by far the best overall portrayed character and the best part nothing was added in or removed from her character when comparing it to the novel.

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