Friday, November 5, 2010

The blue sky looked like the wide open ocean

     As I wiped the new morning frost off my 1824 silver revolver, I also watched the sun rise over the cold dry plains like a loaf of bread in the oven. I lived on my own. Off the land. Moved from town to town, ghost town to ghost town. But this cold crisp morning was different. Everything was quiet even the horses stood still like a mannequin. I rolled up my bundle and brushed the cold dirt off of it. And then raised my hat off the tree that it hung on and plopped it on my uncombed, un-showered head. From the moment I woke up I knew this day was unlike the others. Everything seemed to calm, and there also wasn't any wind. I knelt. I listened to the wind talk to me. Time almost stood still.  After a few moments, which felt like days, I knew I had to leave. Placing my cold gun into my holster, I dug my spurs deep into my horses flesh like a needle penetrating the first layer of skin. We rode towards the sunrise. My partner in crime didn't miss a beat,  galloping and breathing heavily like a monster.

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